Sunday 10 February 2008


I saw the latest Lynx advert on telly yesterday. For a light-hearted humourus advert it was suprisingly disturbing. It was disturbing on some deep level. Really odd. It was the inverse of that Simpsons' episode where Homer imagines himself in a chocolate world and goes round eating chuncks out of buildings and even biting chunks out of unsuspecting, still breathing and animate, wild life. Even that was ever so slightly disturbing as well as funny, perhaps because on some level it was a little glimpse of the reality of us eating animals without the slaughterhouse and the supermarket shelf to distance us from what we're actually doing. Well in this advert it is the main character that is chocholate, and this time there is some kind of strange literalization of being devoured... in the carnal sense... as one woman takes a bite out of his arse cheek as he travels, unsuspecting, on the tube, and two others women devour his ears in a goulish choco-threesome in the cinema. He even gets his arm ripped-off and stolen by a choc-thursty woman in a passing car. One can't help thinking he's a bit of a slapper and asking for it though, as he starts-off his day by ripping his own nose off his face to crush-up and sprinkle on some girls ice-creams.

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