Thursday 6 December 2007


The ghouls are gathering and sharpening their horrible little pointy teeth. They are excited because apparently there is some big boxing match about to happen in Vegas. Civilisation has progressed much since the law of the jungle reigned... punch-ups between men over women have quite rightly been outlawed and indeed frowned upon, punch-ups over territory have quite rightly been out-lawed, punch-ups over your or your loved-ones' honour have quite rightly been outlawed, duels and brawls alike... so why, oh why, is it OK for a punch-up to take place in the name of mere sport or entertainment???? Just because both parties consent does not diminish the barbarism. It is a sport where each opponent hits the other as hard as possible and, although thankfully rare, fatalities are inevitable. If you hit someone in an every-day situation, where it is not self defence, and you deliberately meant to hurt them, and that person dies as a result (even if not immediately) then that's man slaughter, surely.... but for some reason as long as it's for entertainment then that's OK? No, feck off. Time to grow-up and join the rest of civilization. War and self defence is the only excuse for violence, i.e. out of desperation or protection, not for a fecking good night-out or an entertaining night on the telly. How can people hope to stop war when they can't even stop violence for entertainment's sake. Any violent contest (in the UK) is totally illegal except where the opponents are human, for example: dog fighting or cock fighting -- it wasn't always that way of course, but because civilisation gradually progresses they are illegal now, so when are we going to get round out-lawing such violence between humans too???

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